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Hi! I'm Ilias


Thank you for visiting my website! 


I always wanted to travel as means of exploring and understanding the world. Ever since I was a little boy I loved collecting moments, creating a visual story and sharing it with friends. Visiting new places, going on wild adventures, exploring diverse cultures, is part of who I am; at the end of the day life is all about creating experiences for yourself and living with no regrets!


I' m based in Athens, Greece, a full-time Speech & Language Therapist, working with disabled kids, young people and their families. I love my job, and the opportunity I have to contribute, even a little, towards making a change in people’s life. 


My greatest passion though is travelling. I can’t wait to plan the next trip to one of the countless destinations I have on my bucket list! Extraordinary trips, taking me out of the comfort zone, living like a local, from the tribes of West Timor, to an African safari, to the edge of Patagonia, traveling around the globe, both in time and space. Friends have always encouraged me to share my stories, memories, experiences, inspire others perhaps to cross boarders


GettingtoEverywhere is the result of sleepless nights, endless recollection of memories, in an effort to provide useful information to help you set off on the adventure of a lifetime too! 


If you’d like to be kept up-to-date on my latest adventures, subscribe to RSS feed, follow me on @instagram      or shoot me an email to


Thanks for stopping by!


All the Best,


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